Early on in my life I realised that we sometimes need a reminder of who we really are, and jewellery in the oldest of histories, did this for us. Lifetimes ago where we used gemstones to bring us a certain strength, focus or reminders of the “stuff” we are made of. This link in our make up is strong and I have seen it blossom in people that re-connect with this innate knowing.

Tools in the most personal sense, is what I really make, the thing you wear when you need that bit of help. My whole life has been understanding these fine energies and the differences it can make.
My sensitivity to energetics now my greatest asset has in times in my life been a misunderstood challenge, especially growing up, now the world is coming around to the appreciation of this quality in people. When creating something this personal, sensitivity is a great asset.

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About Jackie Ribbons - Workshop
About Jackie Ribbons - Workshop
About Jackie Ribbons - Workshop

Jackie started her career in crystals when opening a Shop with a bussiness partner in Paddington, Sydney and then moved to the historic district called The Rocks. The Crystal Gallery was opened over 37 years ago, and Jackie with a business partner forged a new way for people to appreciate fine crystals and bespoke crystal and gem jewellery of the finest quality.

Teaching came naturally to Jackie who also taught in Sydney and overseas, sharing her vast knowledge both from a mineral, gem and energetic prospective.

A previous shop in Daylesford Victoria and Northern New South Wales, people have enjoyed the passion and depth of knowledge that comes with Jackie’s work. In her home of Tasmania, Galleries exhibit her work, and shop in Westbury open Friday, Saturday and Sundays.